Showing 9 products

451 Fahrenheit (small format)

What happened to our world? Why do firefighters burn houses instead of putting out fires? Why don't people read books, walk, and hardly talk to each other? What will our Earth look like and what will people be like if...

The Martian Chronicles

Is it possible to resettle people from Earth to Mars? Do Martians really exist? While our scientists figure out these questions, we can fantasize and find the answers to them in "The Martian Chronicles" by Ray Bradbury. People flew to...

Cinder. Chronicles of the Moon

The story unfolds in the city of New Beijing. A deadly plague is ravaging Earthlings, watched from space by ruthless Lunarians who prepare to strike. No one even guesses that the fate of the planet depends on one girl.Cinder, a...

Subway 2033

Twenty years after the Third World War. Those who survived are hiding in the stations and tunnels of the Moscow Metro, the largest anti-nuclear bomb shelter on Earth. The surface of the planet is contaminated and uninhabitable, so the subway...

Wheel of Time. Book 1. Eye of the World

What is the Wheel of Time? Imagine a huge, space-sized spinning wheel with a seven-spoke wheel spinning slowly, weaving the fabric of the universe. It creates from lives and events the Great Pattern that is the past, present and future...

Road signs

Can the past be changed? Yes, if you know the way. More precisely, the Road, unique and unique — through time, from dinosaurs and ancient civilizations to the space-futuristic era. Chosen from different centuries know how to overcome it. Shuffle...

Magic time. Magic gondola. Book 1

The publication was printed with funds from an institutional support grant.Anna, a seventeen-year-old girl, goes to Venice with her parents during the summer vacation. While they are busy with business, she explores all the nooks and crannies of this ancient...

Chronicles of the Moon. Scarlett

Scarlett Benoit, a young French farmer from Rio de Janeiro, is desperately looking for her beloved grandmother. Who needed to kidnap an innocent old woman? Suddenly, the granddaughter discovers that the innocent old woman is full of dangerous secrets. And...

Chronicles of the Moon. Cress

Who is this lonely brat imprisoned on an artificial satellite high in Earth orbit? Only Bezbatchenko Kress, a "shell" without a family, who has been kept under a lock for many years by the insidious thaumaturgist Sybil. Cress's task is...


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