Showing 4 products

Buy yourself that damned bouquet: and other ways to get together from the one who succeeded

In this book, the author tells the story of her own re-education and transformation into a champion out of self-love. Through simple daily rituals, Tara transformed her mind, body and relationships and will teach you how to: feign gratitude until...

Women who love to the core

Are you good at chasing your loved one over the horizon, even if your partner doesn't need it? Do you forgive your husband for unacceptable things? Do you feel psychological pressure, but you cannot give up the relationship? You're in...

Women Who Run with the Wolves. The archetype of the Wild Woman in myths and legends

According to Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D., healthy wolves and healthy women share certain mental characteristics: acuteness, playful spirit, and deep devotion. Wolves and women are related by nature, inquisitive, endowed with endurance and strength. While studying wolves, Dr. Estes first...

Think and be rich - 9786171291447

• Absolute bestseller• The book that changed the consciousness of millions of people• Officially approved version approved by the Napoleon Gill FoundationAfter a fateful conversation with the famous multimillionaire and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie during his student years, Napoleon Gill decides to listen to...


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