Showing 7 products

Kobzar. Complete uncensored collection

On February 12, 1840, a censored permission to print "Kobzar" was issued. This is how the 26-year-old poet named his first collection of poems, which consisted of eight works. (This name was retained for two subsequent editions, 1844 and 1860)....

Poems, dramas, lyrical works

The edition includes the most famous works of the outstanding Ukrainian poetess and writer Lesya Ukrainka.

I look into your pupils

Vasyl Symonenko (1935–1963) is a poetic legend of the "sixties" as a social and artistic movement. His poems were not allowed to be printed by Soviet censorship, so they were distributed in self-published lists and copied by hand - by...

Two colors (small format)

The poetic selection of Dmytro Pavlychko - one of the most famous Ukrainian poets of the end of the 2nd millennium - includes the best poems and poems from all periods of his work. An incredible temperament and lust for...

Milk and honey

This book became an international phenomenon. More than three million copies have been sold. Translated into 35 languages. Also, "milk and honey" reached the first position on the New York Times bestseller list - and remained there for more than...

Winter in Tysmenytsia

The book of the selected Oleg Lyshega - one of the most unique Ukrainian poets, laureate of the American Pen Club for the best book of translated poetry - includes almost all of his poetic work, some of the translations,...

A black lion came out of the radio

Ivan Drach (1936-2018) is a recognized leader of the sixties, who, with the inspiration of a juggler, twisted into one poetic orbit the golden bulb, and the theory of relativity, and synchrofazotrons wailing like lions, and washed pants, and the...


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