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France, post-war period, the resort town of Vichy, famous for its cultural life... Picturesque nature, revitalizing waters, true luxury, and the long-awaited peace - in such conditions, it could not be without a bright, fiery feeling that burns everything in its path! A feeling, inexhaustible and explosive in its power, that arose... between people who, due to differences in social status, cannot be together. But is it really impossible to bypass social principles and reclaim the right to personal happiness from the world? To these questions answers the author of the novel about the love between a duke and an ordinary girl, worthy of being called the most beautiful story of the new century. Passion and jealousy, heated meetings and painful partings, love and burning hatred - all this awaits the reader in the novel "Time of Change," with which you will feel the entire palette of emotions, experiencing each emotion together with the characters of the work.